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OWH - Updated!


News from Operation Write Home


From the OWH website: "On May 12, 2015, Operation Write Home Executive Director Sandy Allnock, after consultation with the Board of Directors, announced the beginning of the final phase of the work of the organization’s mission.

The primary reason for this decision is one that few organizations are able to announce: an ongoing reduction in beneficiaries! With drawdowns and redeployments, the number of units requesting cards has dropped to a record low, and by the August 1st date, will be so small as to no longer warrant the costs of maintaining a 501(c)(3) organization.

While this may seem sad news to some – it is cause for rejoicing! Service members are able to communicate with family and friends across a dinner table rather than by mail…and that is good news!"



It is good news, but it means that our 2014 OWH Card Drive was our last.

DRS Designs would like to take this opportunity to profoundly thank all of our Operation Write Home donors throughout the years.  Your kindness, generosity and creativity brought many smiles and much comfort to our soldiers and their families.




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